I don't know that you have to pick one or the other, Jabber. While I've not heard of either of those remedies, I would think you could try both.

Years ago I dated a guy who used boric acid to kill ants in his kitchen. I only saw the traps he'd made once, but I did look up "boric acid as an insecticide" on Google and found several links including this one -- from about.com.

I don't know if you consider boric acid a "natural remedy" but I'll add this info to the discussion for what it's worth.

Good luck! I'm sure this must be vexing you, as I know I HATE having bugs in my house, and have to confess that for the past year I've relied on a monthly treatment by a professional exterminator.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.