Don't worry, Jabber! We all "freak out" over something now and then. I think you have every right to your thoughts. And given that this has been going on for so long, I hope the people you've written about move on to other "entertainments" and stop bothering you.

Beyond that, if it were me, I'd try refocusing my thinking to use this experience as fodder for a novel -- and start fictionalizing the experience into a stupendous thriller. (You might have to blow the story up even bigger and weirder of course -- but your success in publishing such a book could be a great "revenge" for what you've experienced.)

I know that 30 years ago when I worked for a terrible boss who was totally irrational and did things like fire me in front of a meeting full of clients for no apparent reason, I found solace in this technique.

(I haven't written the novel yet, but everything else worked out -- and eventually I will write my blockbuster novel full of characters loosely based on people I met during this crazy time.)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.