I wonder how successful she is. She would have to aggressively market herself if she's not around in person with her edible product.

Unless she specialized in wedding cakes or something like that.

Didn't you say Anne, you were part Norwegian or something like that? Think....how much do people know about Norwegian cuisine?

Sometimes we take for granted what we know.

My partner's son is a chef in Toronto for a Jamie Oliver like restaurant where his workers are hard to employ folks. Part of the objective is to teach people with employable skills.

Anyway he has taken a family heirloom recipe from dearie's mom (who died at 93 several yrs. ago) on making and serving dumpfnudel as a dessert. A kind of German steamed bun with vanilla sauce. It is served regularily. smile But hardly any place in North America serves it in restaurants. A peasant German dessert.

Too bad his grandmother is not around to witness this wonderful revival of her recipe. smile

Edited by orchid (08/03/13 12:39 AM)
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