Being married to my webmaster means I get lots of "inside" info.

He says "What's the use of having a website if it can't be found?". You have to have a webmaster who is doing everything he/she can to know the "ropes" of the job. Making sure search engines etc are keyed into YOUR site, meta tags, bots etc.

Thankfully, much of our online business is repeat business from our local markets and events. Soap is something that really should be smelled, tried, lathered etc. first. Same with Shea Butter.

Plus, price is king. Are you competitive? Do you have good "hooks"? Is your customer service top notch? Appealing website that customers will say "WOW"?

There are millions of websites out there. Why would they want YOURS? (Ask yourself this question often.)

We are just a drop in the ocean!