Ellemm, you make an interesting point. An excellent one.

When I heard about the updated ferry news this morning, I was startled to hear that the school's vice principal had committed suicide just as you had noted.

My first thought. of course, was "why?" Surely he couldn't be feeling responsible for the students' deaths: IMHO it couldn't possibly be considered his fault.

It's been awhile since I've had kids in public school, but as I recall, here in the US, when our kids go out on school-sponsored field trips, as this one was, we parents routinely sign a waiver of responsibility when we give permission for our kids to go on the trip.

So I chalked the S Korean principal's reaction up to
"cultural differences."

And, as for the Texas story that you related, I'd say it is the same thing: "cultural differences." My brother lives in Texas, has for roughly 30 years. I talked to him a few months ago, with regard to whether or not he thought Texas would be a good state to move to, in retirment. After all, they have little snow or ice, and they have no state income tax, and social security income is not taxed.

But he said he would not recommend moving here, apparently due to his opinions on state politics. I got the idea he believes Texas politicians still act as if Texas is a part of the wild west of the 19th century. Kind of "caveat emptor" to the max...

Thanks for the interesting comparison of POV with regard to responsibility, Ellemm.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.