I actually don't understand older single women (anyone over 50) who would want even a multi-level, 3 bedroom home. How about 2 bedroom? Accommodate the guest in the den if you buy a sofa-bed.

Sorry, a bigger home with more rooms means..more cleaning. we aren't getting stronger, more energetic. It's the opposite.

I was intrigued a long divorced woman who just retired last year at I believe under 65, bought a 3 bedroom house for herself out in a small town. She lives alone. She has to drive everywhere to shop, etc. It's a 2 level house, I believe.

She is....over 60 lbs. overweight, has had knee pain over the last 5 years. She should not be living in a multi-level house at this stage in her life.

I think her daughter lives over 60 km. away. Her only child.

Seriously. We have to get a grip about our health...the amount of space for a home needs to be more efficient, less cleaning required, less climbing up and down the steps.

The linked article has some useful features about aging in place.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)