Hi Jabber,

Well your questions are good ones, Jabber, so I went in search of some answers. Here's one Q&A type article on Keystone published by the New York Times, called Keystone Pipeline Pros, Cons...

There are a series of questions there, plus links to several other related articles. It dates from November of last year, so I am not sure if the Senate vote it discusses has yet been held... Apparently there is no fracking, involved, but definitely several environment concerns. One which claims that a spill from this pipeline would be far worse, environmentally, than a spill into an ocean...

And, the Keystone folks have their own website explaining their POV about the pipeline.

One of the most recent articles there points out that the two largest newspapers in Nebraska have come out editorially in FAVOR of Keystone.

Which is interesting, because the articles from the NYT in November seemed to indicate that the state of Nebraska was the sticking point.

Who else has an opinion on Keystone and wants to share it here? You have the floor!
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.