I've been a tea drinker forever. I currently drink hot decaf Earl Grey or Constant Comment tea every night after dinner.

And I always drink unsweetened iced tea when I am out at a restaurant, have for years. Ever since I stopped drinking colas -- which I think was about 20 years ago.

When we eat at a Chinese restaurant, I'm the one with the pot of hot green tea, while my companions normally drink sodas, or lemonade.

So I was delighted to read this article about the growth in tea drinking - as it signals to me that we tea drinkers are about to be offered better tea options, when grocery shopping - as well as when dining out.

By the way, I an no longer an exclusive tea drinker, though I once was. A "million years" of office work experience have led to my drinking coffee with hot milk -- but don't call them lattes -- during work hours.

How about you, ladies? Are you also tea drinkers?
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.