
Interesting questions, Jabber. I read an article in the Sunday paper about this, written by a man I used to know a lot better than I do now, because our kids went to school together. He's Jewish, and he said that he doesn't mind if people say "Merry Christmas," to him. And he doesn't mind seeming Christian themed religious displays - as long as nearby he can also see Jewish themed religious displays. And that we are all open enough to recognize that Christmas is not the ONLY thing being celebrated this time of year. I think he also opined that there would be no Christmas if it weren't for the Jews...

And how could we forget the non-Christians who band together to help out in nursing homes, hospitals and etc. on Christian holidays, so that their Christian counterparts are able to be home with their families?

As for taking Christ out of Christmas? Never? Then we're just back to a pagan winter solstice celebration, aren't we? (Remember, there's convincing historical evidence that proves Jesus wasn't actually born on December 25th, and that the first Christian priests built on some of the old pagan celebrations, in order to get "buy-in" from early Christian converts.

Something to think about...whenever you can't sleep!)

Me: I'm big on the concept of "live and let live." So I'll put up my tree, and sing carols any time I have the opportunity.

How about you?
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.