And now the media is all about Melania Trump and plagiarism. I actually feel sorry for the woman. She doesn't like public speaking, and while she looked beautiful giving her speech, all heck has broken loose.

As a person who in the past has ghostwritten a ton of speeches, I know it is standard procedure to check and see what others have said in the past. But I sure do want to know who was the idiot who added the quotes from Mrs. Obama's speech.

They say it isa sign of the lack of experience of Trump's campaign team. But you've got to think, if you're going to quote liberally from the wife of the man about whom your husband has been saying is all manner of awful stuff - how could that go wrong???

Guess it will be a bit before the media picks up on Hillary and her email again...
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.