Meredith: Great story!

For all of us:
There are many lonely people out there. I know of cases when, even the ones that are surrounded by caring and loving friends and family are, many times, surprisingly lonely. In such cases, one of the problems is that a lonely person has not learned to reach out. They don't want to open up. Others, clam up inside when they are reached out to. They don't know how to accept friendship, when befriended. Some, I know, do this for fear of misunderstanding and/or to avoid being judged. Others, simply chose to be that way and feel miserable about themselves.

On the other hand, we need to reach out to others and be compassionate and caring! We should treat them as we would like to be treated! We need to learn to give more of ourselves and spread the love of God all around us!

Sometimes, even in our church community we can find lonely people! And that shouldn't be the case. I believe that each one of us can truly make a difference each day in other person's life by reaching out in some way. We all appreciate a kind word, a smile... We all appreciate to know that someone is praying for us... We need to make an effort and go out of our way to show caring and understanding to those in need.