Thank you suzieq. I think that maybe many well-meaning people are so busy in their own lives to make them impatient with another person suffering from any form of depression. After all, in order to truly listen to one suffering from depression you must take your time and be kind and patient. I do have the time to listen to someone who is in need of another just to be there to listen.

I have two other friends as well who suffer from depression. They know they can call me or stop here anytime and I'll drop whatever I'm doing to listen to them. I'll put up a pot of coffee and make sure they have something to eat if they want to. Oh I've had the comments from other people that go something like this,"how can you stand to listen to that, she's not wrapped too tight." This just makes my blood boil.

Have you ever thought that all you wanted was for a person to be kind to you and take a little of their time to listen to you? After my husband had his stroke and I was well aware that I was suffering from a mild form of depression, all I wanted was for my close friends to listen to me and tell me everything would get better, as it has. I caught myself being angry and resentful of people who I thought were my friends but never even called once after learning about his stroke.

It was the two closest friends I have who lent me their ears and a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes it can do wonders can't it?

A person suffering from depression IS a worthwhile and valued individual. They just need someone to remind them of that.

Can I do that for you suzieq? you ARE a worthwhile and valued woman. Your daughter loves you, is that not enough right there?