I wrote that website down. Thanks, suzieQ. I'm glad to hear you are writing everything down and will let your doctor know why you are leaving her. You are doing her a favor. I'm sure other patients have been taken aback by her unecessary, cruel comments.
Do your best "sleuthing" in finding the right doctor to suit your needs.
It's good to hear that your daughter has found a worthy cause to devote some time to.
When life gets a little stale it can cause many of us to have a bad outlook and lash out at others. It can come from our own unrest within ourselves. Lashing out at others is some folks way of easing their own tension. It doesn't make it right but that's the human condition. I try to back off from people like this because I can see they don't like themselves and are trying to draw me into their own bitter resentment. I've been there myself, so I know.
It's important to like yourself and to realize that each and every one of us has worth. We all have something we can give to each other but it isn't found in sarcasm, belittling and name calling to one another. It is found in gently listening to another person whether their beliefs are different from our own or not. It's found in accepting a person for who they are and not giving them ugly labels. I detest the word wacko. I think whoever made that word up should look in the mirror themselves.
Keep smiling and writing in your journal. Each day will bring you closer to the inner peace you crave. Think of your present situation as the mind's way of dealing with stress by taking its own detour around the rough spots. Your mind's peace will get back on the road when it feels the stones have been removed.