A person is "ripe" for mental illness when they do not get enough sleep, eat poorly (on the run at fast food places) and are dealing with the emotional or health issues of those they love. How can a person stay healthy mentally if you're not taking care of the whole person? When we throw in hormonal changes because of menopause it's a recipe for mental illness. Having an operation is considered trauma to the body and can also trigger depression. Sometimes while we're running and worrying about someone else depression just creeps up on us.

Have you noticed that when you stop the others from whatever form of abuse they are heaping on you this is when the ugly labels start?

In part, recognising what causes your mental illness can be a step in the right direction to help cure it or at least keep it at bay.

Society likes to deal in absolutes and what they can see in regards to a health issue. You can see the effects of heart disease, diabetes, a stroke, cancer, skin diseases. We give comfort to those people because we can see their trauma with our eyes. When a person has a mental illness we seem to be less understanding and the terms "it's all in their heads" becomes a convenient catch-all phrase. Society dismisses this pain.
Most intelligent people will research an issue they don't inderstand but how much effort does society put forth to understand mental illness?
Mental illness strikes far more people than many other diseases combined, yet where is the funding for it? Why does society turn a blind eye and a cold heart to this illness and make crude jokes about it?