Books, books, beautiful books!!
Just finished Flashpoint - Suzanne Brockmann. I love a chick who can write that awesome action adventure. Also appreciated her comment in the acknowledgement section, " When I write fiction, I can't read fiction....because I'm one of those readers who, when I start a good book, can't put the darn thing down until I reach the end." well, she sure nailed that one!
Just started Vein of Gold - Julia Cameron. This book may be of interest to a lot of us here in the forum. Note the following excerpts: "The Vein of Gold is a book of healing and rehabilitation. 'I've found you, but you've been beaten, battered, starved, malnourished, neglected, discounted, and disowned. I must restore you to health so we can have our adventures...' and 'Creative recovery is not an intellectual process. Our adult self merely "understands" a wound. Our creative artist, that inner creative child, must actually heal it.'" She is speaking of our creative processes as writers, artists, or craftsmen.
Also rereading Behind the Stories-Dian Eble. I love to read how the faith of these authors helped them in their writing careers.
I also started All I Did Was Ask- Terry Gross. Terry is the host of Fresh Air on Public Radio. This is a collection of some of her interviews with writers, artists, actors, and musicians.
[Smile] I wish I had a nickel for every book I've read. I'd be a Quad*zillion*aire !! [Wink]