I've read all of Jodi Picoult's books. I'll be looking for her next one! Two of my friends are big Picoult fans too and we share. I enjoyed some more than others but they are all guaranteed to make you think.

Speaking of books, I'm really bummed. We've been buying and selling books back to a great used book store in our area, and it just closed up with no warning. I discovered this when I had a box full of books to trade in, in the trunk of my car! Am now researching other similar stores in the area, but this place was the best -- it was always like going to see an old friend.

Right now I'm reading Bungalow 2 by Danielle Steel. Over the years I've read all her books.........I like them when I don't want to read anything really heavy. I'm recovering from knee surgery right now and didn't want to get into anything I'd really have to concentrate on.