I haven't read that book, but I've heard it's a great one.

Two of my three children have ADD:one is adopted, the other biological. One takes medicine, the other does not. The one who takes medicine benefits greatly form it. The one who doesn't, has tried and is aware it's helpful, but doesn't liek the side effects. I think it's a blessing to know the medicine is there for those who need it.

I once took my child's ritalin instead of my vitamin becuase I've never taken medicine that wasn't prescribed to me.

I have to tell you, I could really tell a difference in the way I felt that day. I was MUCH more focused. I wouldn't be surprised if I learned I had it.

Debi, please know that the help that's available is tremendous. I wouldn't worry if I were you. Learn the final diagnosis and give the medicine a try if you have to. It may be a good thing.