Great idea Dotsie. One thing I do when I feel like I am not maximizing my time is to make myself do something during commericals when I am watching a movie. You know nowadays, there are at least five commericals, if not more, during a movie break, so I just jump up whenever they begin and do something like either vacuum, put a load of clothes in washer/dryer, dust, load dishwasher, clean the bathroom sink, would be surprised how many little task you can get done during commerical breaks. And you don't have to watch those three idiots selling DELL computers! It is almost like a game to me and I enjoy seeing how many things I can get done before the movie comes back on. Okay...maybe I need to get a life, eh?

Course I have a tiny house and you can get from one room to the next in record time too. Anyhoo...this works for me. [Wink]