Primarily cause I haven't had much to say. But now I have potentially good news: I've a publisher interested in my novel. Not only that, she's interested in the five-book series.

Nothing contractual yet -- just chats by e-mail and phone -- but it's definitely different than the usual form rejection letters!

Serious talks are supposed to resume in several months after their current project is squared away. Meanwhile, she loved the first novel and wants to see the sequel, which will have a lot of bearing, of course, on her decision.

In any event, she paid me a high compliment since I happen to know that, like me, she is the mother of four school-aged kids. She said she stayed up till four in the morning reading my novel cause "she couldn't put it down" and "just had to find out what happened next."

That's what I like to hear! Ha!

Meanwhile, if you're a poetry fan, you can catch one of mine online for another day or two. It's the poem of the week and the url where it is at (sensitive POETRY) is

Let's see, what else? The adoption slowly moves along. Our homestudy update is completed save having the document in hand, though it is due this week yet or next week. Our criminal records checks are late. Once I have those two things in hand all I need to do is wait for the Immigration approval notice (about another two to three weeks, I suspect) and we can notarize everything and send it off. That will be a relief!

Then it is just a matter of waiting while our paperwork makes its way through international channels. That, and figuring out what to do with the four here while we leave to get the two over there!

Ugh. I'm beginning to think this is the most difficlt "pregnancy" of all!

Anyway, cheers to all and hope your New Years are all off to as good a start as mine. Today is my son's birthday (Sully) and he is officially a teen, so I've got to go get those gifts wrapped!

Take care.

garrie k.