Amen Dotsie! Yes indeedy....most of MY job to this point has just been accepting/rejecting contributions (which isn't always easy of course). Now I'm to put a Table of Contents together and try to categorize the poetry - waiting now to get the publisher's "vision" for that!

This is a division of Sun Books called Sun Rising Poetry Press. They are going great guns - probably growing too fast too since they seem to have bitten off a bit more than they can comfortably chew right now. They are doing books, collections, anthologies, chapbooks - but because they STARTED with poetry, and because there were so few publishers concentrating on poetry - they have been overwhelmed with projects.

You can visit them at

Julie pointed out to me in an email today that Maya Angelou is listed as a contributor for the collection I've been working on - I can only assume she sent something directly to the publisher OR we've gotten her permission to do a reprint of something. Pretty neat!!
[Big Grin]