Thanks, jj. I'll try the link.
My writing group is on our second anthology since May. In fact, it came out today. It's called Trail Blazers. In this one, there are I believe, 10 writers. We all contribute. Our teacher puts it together on the pc, edits, I proof and edit some more, then it goes to the printer. This time we had 175 copies printed out, perfect bound, color cover, 100 pages. I won't see it until tomorrow. [Frown] In it, I have two stories and 4 poems. [Smile]

It is a collection of short stories, poetry and essays. This time we are targeting local libraries. (Our last one got into one library) We have a few book nights planned. I'm going to cover one in October since the teacher can't be there that night.

It's a lot of work. We stay fairly local, except for the ones I sent all over the place on the first book [Big Grin]

I plan to do my book the same way, only in Word instead of Publisher. By the way, can anyone tell me how the heck to get the page numbers in without it starting on the cover? I can usually do anything on the pc, but this baffles me. [Confused]

I'll take it to the same printer and then market it the same way. Unless, I find a traditional printer first that wants to publish it. But, self-publishers are very expensive.

How does everyone else do it?
