JJ and Chatty--
Couldn't let this go without one more post about it.
When my daughter was a LITTLE girl I remember her looking at me while I was getting dressed and saying wistfully "Mommy, when I grow up I want long boobies just like yours!" How is that for a backsided compliment!!!! And I was only in my twenties!! Sob...You gotta love underwires!
Congratulations on your book. I haven't seen your website yet, but I am eager to check it out. Fear has paralyzed me and kept me from achieving so many things. Grrrr! [Mad]
Sher, Sher, Sher!!! [Big Grin]
So happy to see you posting again. Your humor brightens my heart! Sometimes when I come onto the BWS site, I am just looking for a touch of humor and I look for yours and JJ's posts.
Don't you just wish that thin skinned meant weight loss? As in: "Look at that figure! She is so thin skinned and shapely [Wink] ! Wowzingy!"