I love this Palace...I mean forum. [Roll Eyes]

Queenme, I love your site.

jj - I have to tell you, my family calls me the Queen because I am so spoiled rotten in my second life. There's a sign in the kitchen that says, "The Queen do't cook." My sister-in-law just gave me a cute "Queen sign" and she gave me towels one year for my birthday that have my name on them and a crown. So I guess you're right about us all having to be queen of something. [Smile]

Except, my sister-in-law calls me the "Queen of absolutely nothing." [Big Grin] Royalty isn't always easy. And, when I got married again almost 5 years ago to my charming prince, I wore a tiara. I just had this thing about wanting to wear a tiara again. Everyone got such a kick out of it. My (new then) sister-in-law bought cardboard tiaras for me and my girlfriends and we had our pictures taken in them. [Big Grin]

This forum is so awesome! Welcome queenme, or do I say, "queenyou" when addressing your highness [Big Grin] [Big Grin]