Sarahwww, girl don't think of the situation as winners and losers...eeek! You are a winner! Always. I mean you found this site, didn't you? That's a step. I agree with the journaling that Lynn suggested. It's a great start.

Writing is all about getting yourself out there. Being recognized! And this feeds the writer's ego and spurns us on. The ego? Oh hon...we all got's not a bad thing either. It's a combination of pride, style, research, hard work, yada...yada...yada...

One of the things you'll find about writing is this. You need to write every single day. The more you write, the more you WANT to write and the better you get at writing. The more you network, the more venues or doors will be opened for your writing.

There is a critique group here at Boomers that you can joined when ever you want to, and if you are unsure about some faucet of writing, the women in that group can help you I'm sure.

As Nike says, just do it. Hope this helps!