Hi J.J.,

I wanted to PM you to see how you were liking that pot of magic - I've started using mine every other day lately - it's like such a treat..and I can just lay in bed and feel how soft my skin feels. lol (did I say that outloud?)

I've wanted to do a business expo forever. I LOVE to gather people together - I consider it one of my gifts. I found 2 people to do it with me - so we are working it.

We will have 75 UNIQUE vendors - no duplicates - no competitiion. The goal is to share networks (I know a ton of people that you don't know)..and just to get out there in the community.

We found a wonderful church with a HUGE sancturary and great accoustics...we will have vendor door prizes, and a cash door prize as well...and a DJ who will do all of that work.

Anywho, it is very intensive work..and I have alot going on in my life in addition to that.

Thanks for asking!
