Sorry Ladies - don't want you all feeling like "mushrooms"! LOL

I had the opportunity to meet sher at her business expo last year.

We were all at dinner and she said (now, read this outloud with a thick southen accent to get the effect), "I've been so stressed all day, that I've had the taste of burnt panties in my mouth (pennies is what she was TRYING to say).

I burst out laughing, and was rolling on the floor peeing my pants. I'm thinking, "hmmm, must be a southern thing!"

So, thus evolved our joke. Also, just so Y'all know...sher LOVES monkeys (let's do a monkey campagin - and all send her one...wouldn't that be a hoot!)

Since then, on stressful days, I HAVE tasted burnt pennies in my mouth - I just figure her psychosis (or however you spell that) has oozed into my body! LOL

And that, my the rest of the story!
