I'm a great proponant of live and let live. However, the problem comes up when a particular group is villified, I think. Because there are always some -- not in this group! -- who want to take righteousness to an extreme and destroy that which they do not understand or fear. It why Matthew (sorry, can't remember his last name) in Wyoming was killed.

I like Chatty's idea of "a firm handshake bright smile and twinkling eyes, kindness, generosity and sincerity." It gives me a great mental picture of her essence. I wonder what would happen if we treated all in our daily lives like that?

The power of words is great. It can be used to whip a mob into frenzie, or encourage a person who has a sickness inside to perform an act of violence. Lent is upon us. In my church we have always done a pagent based on Good Friday. The words "Crucify Him!" ring out. Who do we crucify with our own words?

As always, take what you like and leave the rest.