Of course not, Browser. God forbid, but one of my nephews or grandsons or daughters could become "gay". I wouldn't stop loving them. How could I? I would still love them with all my heart!

But my heart would be broken for them. God NEVER intended one of his children to become homosexual or lesbian. Lets all just do away with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcanon and Mothers Against Drunk Driving and all the other organizations designed to help hurting people find their way out of the horrible life they are in.

God didn't make a mistake and I know how dearly you must love your son. God loves him too. He's not a pariah or a leper. He is a wonderful human being who unfortunately has a thorn in the flesh to overcome, but in his overcoming this problem, he may become a stronger man. He may never marry. He may never have children, but he will be able to help others overcome this terrible affliction.

My own daughter has to deal with her weakness for drugs every day of her life. Some days are better than others, but she has something to live for and people who need her and love her.

You can help your son by praying for him and loving him and accepting him in spite of his sin. You may already pray for him and I don't want to assume anything.

But for the alcoholic or pedafile or drug abuser or wife beater to continue in their sin and have our society absolve it and say it isn't really a sin and put a stamp of approval on it is simply wrong and will bring judgement on our nation as a result of it.

It has happened to every other nation and culture that has openly accepted and sanctioned homosexuality as the norm.