Hurricane Help for Animals

I appreciate the messages of where and how to help. Thought I'd just mention two things I'm doing. First, in addition to the human suffering, there is that of the animals many families had to leave behind. In that regard, I'm donating seven dollars of every book sale from my just released whodunit mystery titled DEATH COMES TOO SOON. The novel features Bridget O'Hern, 47, and her pet companion, Narvik, and the story takes place on the Oregon coast.

If folks purchase the book online at Amazon or another bookstore and let's me know, I will donate seven dollars, split between two groups: the Louisana Veterinary Medical Association (, which is setting up animal shelters throughout the impacted Gulf States; and also to, which is a rescue group for Norwegian Elkhounds, but also joining other rescue groups to provide food, supplies and support to the emergency animal rescue groups. (Elkhounds, by the way are used in search and recovery and also as cadaver dogs.) I'll confirm that I've given in your name. Details are on my site. The funding supports not just for rescue efforts of dogs, but of all the pets and animals left abandoned or injured.

The second way is that I'm the NW Chair of Mystery Writers of America for "Kids Love a Mystery" (KLAM), which takes place in October. I'll see if we can't get books for kids and youth sent to the shelters, as I understand there is a need for that.

Best to all,

Patricia Harrington