Dee, it is so nice to know you & your husband are allright!!! A nice happy piece of news to start the day!

My shock & dispair have turned to ANGER over what is going on down south. I have seen 1-2 reporters telling you the honest truth to what is happening.

I can not believe how these people are being treated. I was aware that they are mostly lower income/below poverty leval families--but that is no excuse to treat any human being like dirt.

You know if this happened in a high income area-those people would have had food/water & have been evacuated out of the city within days!

I had been thinking about the time I had gone to see the plantation houses. I remember driving along the roadway & you'd see these gorgeous old houses....then little shacks that looked like they didn't even have electricity. I remember seeing a group of elderly men sitting on a porch-waving at the passing cars. I couldn't grasp how anyone could live like that.

As I got to know the south better--I found it wasn't about wealth or material items. The people were all loving,caring & welcoming human beings. And they were happy with what they had--because most didn't know any other life.

I can only hope every last person who is in dire need knows there are millions of people hoping-praying & thinking of them.