There are no words to describe the terrible and horrific experiences that people have been subjected to in New Orleans. Their plight, their anguish, their fear, their terror and their fear for their future.

How many of us have experienced what they have experienced, years of poverty, years of being side-lined by the economics system, years of being neglected with no inward hope for a different life. And now this...a city devastated beyond repair, hearts devasted, lives devastated and no future in the minds of many.

What can we do ladies? Can we find the hearts within us to pray and help those in need, if not indeed physically but with good-will and strong hearts. Can we understand that there are many forces at work here? There is economics, there is politics, there is policy, all relative to these moments and why New Orleans is under water. Many answers, many arguments and yet what is it that matters most?

That we love! Just love! No judgement, no fear, no retribution over who is right, who is wrong, why disasters happen. Just love! For that is what this world truly needs.

Love shall overcome the world's plight. Love shall overcome the pain and hearts wounded by life and the forces they have no control over.

Just love and how that love shows up!

May God Bless every woman, man and baby in New Orleans with a brighter future, a more loving future and a more prosperous future...and may the forces that be supply it! Our hearts!

With love

With love