A few hazy weeks in the hot sun...how easy it is to forget how cold winter can be!

We had a lovely break from the snow and freezing temps. We were in Santa Lucia, Cuba. It wasn't as hot as usual for this time of year (and it was very windy most of the third week) but the steady diet of sunshine made this SAD-prone gal very happy!

We've been going to the same resort for many years now, and have many friends, both Cuban and repeat tourists that we see every year. I was struck by how many of those people this year remarked how much more "tranquil" and peaceful I was this year. It was quite thought-provoking to realize they were right - I AM more tranquil and contented than I've ever been in my entire life. Chasing down the "why" of that proved to be heart-warming...my new tranquility began taking root the day I landed here in this site, a year ago this month. What an amazing difference this site, you women, and your wisdom have made in my life...and it turns out to be a noticeable difference! It made me think of you all a lot over my weeks away, and made me yet again feel very blessed and grateful to have stumbled - lost, lonely and hungry - onto your doorstep so many months ago.

I'm glad to be back. It wasn't all vacation...some stories to tell...and as always, our work begins all over again in anticipation for next year's visit. I suppose in terms of that ripple-effect, it's because you have welcomed me in and nourished my lostness and hunger, that I in turn am able to "pay it forward" by nourrishing some of the lost and hungry children in the village we call our second home and family.

[ March 18, 2006, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]