Found an interesting article this a.m. and thought I would share the link. Here's the jest of it though for those who don't have the time to go and read the entire thing:

....Farmington-based company, 1st eTech, has the technology to replace all of those cards with America's first "biometric" secured data card — a single card to act as a driver's license, library card, credit card, debit card, government identity card and just about any other kind of card, all made absolutely secure by the user's own fingerprint.
But the Utah Technology Commission expressed worries Thursday that unleashing that technology could open the door wider for Big Brother to peer into people's lives.....

The URL is,1249,595077518,00.html

Just cut and paste. I can see the pros and cons of having this. It will probably fly since it makes everything so convenient, so I gotta ask ya...convenient for??? I agree that it smacks of BIG BROTHER and I don't like it for that reason alone.