Health issues get me nuts. I beleive it is the one issue that can destroy our country from the inside out.
The financial impact of medical care for an aging population combined with the legal costs of liability suits is bankrupting our country and our quality of life. The more we try to legislate healthcare and insure ourselves against the horrible costs, the worse it gets.
Medical insurance is just "false assurance" and to a great degree insurance is responsible for the escalation of health care costs.
I was a in nursing school when changes were being made to accomodate Medicare as a universal insurance for seniors.
Suddenly health care changed from a 'mission of charity' to a "lucrative business" and the incredible increases in health care costs began. Pills that previously cost pennies suddenly cost several dollars. Everything bought and used by healthcare facilities increased in price a hundred fold. Doctors who previously provided care in exchange for farm goods suddenly began to charge astronomical fees. And patients who had successfully treated chronic conditions at home for years saw the doctor and many became addicted to prescription drugs that destroyed their quality of life even more.
Before insurance, the "public" rationed care. People only went to the hospital to be born and to die. Now we live longer, but we don't live better. Everyone is taking a ton of prescriptions and feeling worse. And the only way to get any treatment at all is through a healthcare system that holds us hostage.

I have no solutions. I just hope something changes before our country is bankrupted not only financially, but physically, socially and spiritually.