It's emotional blackmail. My Mother still does it.

My sis and I were discussing this very thing just this morning. When ever Mother is "not in control" of the situation, like this upcoming TGing, she pouts.

Her way of showing displeasure with you is to cut you short on the telephone and even hang up while you are still talking. I use to panic and cry when that happened, "oh woe is Mother doesn't love hoo." Then...I caught on.

So when she does it now, I just let her stew in her own juices and wait a few days, call back, and if the air is clear, we chat. Otherwise, I wait a few more. I will NOT be dictated as to how I will spend my holidays nor will I be told WHERE.

I have invited my Mother to my house for TGing, and even offered to come get her, and take her home (60 miles one way)...but noooo...she said "I just won't do anything since YOU are not coming home...sniff...sniff."

The same day, my sis called and said that her, my Mother, and another sister had split the menu for TGing THE DAY BEFORE and were having it at my sister's house. I told her what had transpired and she just laughed out loud. She said... "yep...she's trying to make you feel bad so you'll come home thinking she's all alone." Poor pitiful pearl....

The only reason I am NOT going home is that my son/wife/grandchild are having their TGing at home and invited me there.