I don't know where to post this. I have a question and it's: Do I have a right to have my feelings hurt?

My SIL is a fun person. Makes me laugh, we always have a good time. I call her once a week to check in with her, etc. I took her to Paris last Summer, etc.

Now, I met my husband in AZ on T-Day and we spent the night at her house. She told my husband, "Make sure you sleep on the right side of the bed or you'll be hanging on all night to keep from falling out of the bed." And, she was right because after she warned him, I had to sleep on the left side of the bed and it was a night I'd like to forget!

This hurt my feelings that she so clearly showed that blood is indeed thicker than water. My husband rarely calls her and has even gone into her city and not called her while there. I have been the one who remembers her birthday and all those other family things.

Am I being hysterical? Am I overreacting because I've always been treated like an outsider by my stepsons? Is this just a spillover from that?

She knew I was upset (I told her so!) and she's mentioned it a couple of times since then. I'm blunt and I'm honest and I told her how disappointed I was in her that she'd turn against her own gender that easily. Also, maybe the dirty sock I put on her face the next morning while she was sleeping gave her a clue? [Wink] Ya think?

This seems so trivial. I know, compared to some of your real problems this must seem like fluff but maybe I need to stop reaching out to people that have let me know I just ain't part of the family, as in blood!