From whole other point of view, I am a frantic gift buyer, but I've given up on trying to give what folks really want. For years I spent tons of money and hours shopping for some remote item that someone had hinted they wanted, but would be surprised to get. Or else, I bought practical gifts that no one really wanted and I felt no joy in buying, but did so because they were needed. As a result I never really pleased anyone especially myself.
Last year, I prayed about it. I read how people in Bible times wanted a King. They wanted him riding a white charger wearing a crown. I'm pretty sure no one prayed for a baby born in a stable to be sacrificed. But that baby turned out to be the greatest gift of all time.
The wisemen brought gold, incense and myrrh to celebrate the birth. Gold might be good for teething, but what baby would ever want embalming scents? And yet, the scents became an important part of Christ's ministry. I realized that giving and receiving are not about the gift at all, but about the love.
Anyway I've closed the catalogue department and I don't attempt to meet practical needs. Now I buy gifts that I want people to have, gifts that bring me joy and that I love seeing loved ones unwrap.
It is returning the joy of gift-giving to us all.