Chick, Isn't that the truth? I've been following a modified version of the Atkins diet for several years in order to stabilize my blood sugar because I have a severe case of hypoglycemia. For awhile, I was eating a lot of fish since I thought that was healthy, but then I developed mercury poisoning!

So I had to switch to red meat and poultry, which can't possibly be healthy because one is full of fat and the other is full of antibiotics. I avoid soy products because I have a thyroid problem and daily doses of soy are not recommended, and I'm allergic to dairy and nuts! What does that leave to eat when I have to have a protein every two hours?

I had to go off all white flour, white sugar, rice, potatoes, carrots, high carb food, junk food -- clearly, no alcohol allowed or even juice. My favorite saying lately is "If there's a Heaven, I'm not going if there's no chocolate!"

If I didn't have the hypoglycemia, I would just forget about all of the other warnings and eat sensibly most of the time. Then occasionally, I would pig out on the fun stuff because, hey, life is short. And we're carnal creatures. Food and drink are one of life's greatest pleasures.

Good luck with your eating plan :-)