Smile, If you erased your name from your post, and put mine there, it would fit to a tee. That was until a few days ago.

Putting it off...that's what I found myself doing too. I became sooo comfortable with it. I am up at 6:AM and go to bed around 11 most nights. I have ALL day to myself and found myself doing less and less.

A few days ago I made a decision and so far I am sticking to it. Sometime during the day(mostly when I get sleepy or bored), I jump in the car and go somewhere, anywhere. Even if it's for a few minutes. When I come back I have a renewed energy. Then I tackle my list.It is written on little pieces of paper and I draw one out and JUST DO IT. i.e. clean kitchen, write short story, make Dr. appt, and so on. I had to do this or else I would spend my day moping around the house.

Try the 20 minute work-out. No not exercise...set your timer for 20 minutes and do "anything" for 20 minutes. If you have renewed energy keep going. If you don't set it for a 20 minute break and reset it 20 minutes later to do something else.(I have been doing this off and on too)

I think my problem is lack of "responsibilities" that you mentioned above. Kids, work, volunteering, swinging doors...I was Superwoman and loved every minute of it.

I think the empty nest allowed me time to relax, it was much needed, but I am well rested now. Just can't seem to get back into the swing of things and not sure if I want to.

I want something EXCITING happening in MY life again. I have a wonderful life, don't get me wrong. It is probably the first time in my life that I can do what I want when I want...I just don't know what it is yet.

I think there are times when we go from "Run Ragged" to "In A Rut". Not a bad thing if it is temporary.

I could go on and on, but my message is, I think I know where you are coming from.

You just got back from a wonderful trip too, it might be that decrease in excitement syndrome.(?)

I had to do what worked for me, it may or may not work for you but I thought I'd share. Hope this help, it helped me just by answering your post.

Luv and Hugs