I would first of all pray about the situation and read the Bible. I would be very sure of my facts then go to the Husband which is the Scriptural thing to do. Then if he doesn't change, we are to go to him again with the elders of the church.

We are not responsible for exposing anyone's transgressions. Rather they are responsible for confessing and repenting for them. Repentance not only means being sorry for a sin, but also includes turning from it.

If an unfaithful husband confesses and repents, there is at least a possiblity of reconcilliation. If someone else exposes his infidelity, there is little chance for anything but regret on everyone's part including the person who exposed the situation.
Bringing pain to another of God's children seems very wrong to me and the wife should be allowed to handle it her way in her time surrounded by the prayer of her friends.

I've been in similar situations and that's my take on it.