well, as usual da Queen has 10 cents worth to throw in the pot.

A million years ago, my best friend's husband made a pass at me. I was horrified and didn't know what to do. I told my husband and he just laughed it off. I fretted over whether to tell her or not.

Little did I know that in the meantime, she had started having an affair with another man and her hubby somehow found out and confronted her. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

Anyway....she called me crying and related the entire story to me one night and what did I do? Like the young idiot I was, I said, "well, he isn't lily white" and I told her what her hubby had done.

Now granted these two were already ruining their own marriage, and had already broken their vows, but I didn't want him to get away with what he had done. So...even though my motivation wasn't pure, I told her. BIG MISTAKE. They made up shortly, MY HUSBAND at the time told me I should have kept my mouth shut and not been too hard on him since he was only being a man, and SHE never forgave me. Forgave me? Yeah right. I learned a valuable lesson, and I grew up a little that day. I found new friends.

Years later I ran into her and (They had divorced and remarried two times, she had married two more times) She begged me to call her and come see her and let our friendship rekindle. ...I was nice but very evasive.

I can tell you that ain't gonna happen. It's not that I can't forgive, because I did...but I simply choose to distance myself from certain people and not be involved with their lives.

Burn me once, shame on you...burn me twice, shame on me.

A wife can act surprise all they want to when they find out, but a good marriage doesn't have these types of problems...there are signs. The problems are already there.