Well, well, I suppose I should thank Misex-whatever for her concern regarding my job. I signed no such agreement however my own conscience would never permit me from using anyones name (celebrity or not) regarding their bad habits. All this with Kenny Rogers happened ion's ago and he is the one that made it a public issue and that's the only reason I even mentioned his name. That said, I am shocked and dismayed that this wonderful venue for womens feelings has now been made a site of horrors to be afraid of, boogie man etc. I guess we may as well become nothing more than a Forum as so many others are with mindless chatter saying nothing at all, just blabber. No personal stuff what-so-ever. There are many many of those out there. I agree with Smile, never post naked and what a shock anyone stalking me, the phone sex Goddess,(ha,ha,ha) would get when they tracked me down Heck, I'd pay to see the look on their faces...Oh well, was fun while it lasted... [Mad]