
Let's stop this. I am not asking for explanation as to who said what to whom. I am also not saying lay down and let someone run over you either.

What I AM saying is that some how in the past week or so, we have lost sight of the REAL purpose of this wonderful haven for Boomer women. Stop what you are doing and read this post all the way thru. Don't make me come over there. I mean it!

Dotsie vision wasn't for bickering, fighting, cattyness, and hate to fill this cyberspace. It was for a big old house (if you will) that's full of open doors and rooms full of love and understanding. Peace. Helpfulness. Love for each other. HEALING. THE GOLDEN RULE. Any of this ringing in your ears? I hope so. What are we doing girls?

Yes, we have differing opinions and that's what makes this world such an interesting and wonderful place to be, but for the LOVE OF US ALL, don't let's try and force feed our voices down someone else's throat. Don't let's scare off would-be Boomer Babies who need friends...who need a place to call their cyberhome. Who need healing. Who are scared maybe and just needs a friend.

If you were wrong (and I'm NOT taking sides here) SAY SO. Do it privately, openly, or put it on a billboard. I don't give a rip HOW you do it...but DO IT.

I believe in this site with all of my heart and being. I believe in you all, and I think that sometimes, (self included) we either get up in a bad mood, or we are just out of sorts and we attack. Every one's got their own reasons for saying what they say. Does it make it right? NO IT DOESN'T. I am including myself in this hand-slapping, behind the wood-shed talk, okay?

But girls....before it's too late and we've destroyed everything this site stands for, let your apology be felt. Do it NOW. Don't let hurt feelings fester. Get a grip!

I'm starting this off myself because I love each and every one of you gals.

If I have, in any of the past forums, hurt your feelings by being too blunt or forcing my own beliefs on you, then you have my most sincere apology. I promise to be the best friend that I can possibly be to you, and for you. I want you to grow, to be all that you can be, and to have my unconditional love and friendship. I pledge this to you all.

Now--let's start anew.

