Hi All
Oh, I hate this time of year. Maybe I would like it better if I had children but since I don't, I am longing for it to be over.There are two reasons. One, so many accidents with fireworks,bonfires and people and two is that all the dogs and other pets are terrified of the noise of those Halloween bangers and fireworks! I was out dog walking yesterday evening and the poor dog nearly jumped out of her skin each time one went off (and it's not even Halloween yet!). She was so terrifed that we didn't get very far on the walk before we had to go home. Her people are away for the weekend and I am popping in and out to walk and feed her and secure the house. It's 9am here now and I am going over to take her out again. I am hoping that at this hour there will be no noise and she can enjoy her outing. I know it will be a different story later on when I go back again though! Poor little thing. I also met another woman whilst out walking her dog. When a banger went off, it even made me jump and both her dog and Billy were in a tizzy of fright. I knew she understood what I mean.
What do others think?
Clairey x