Kelly hit the nail right on the head and her dog definitely was abused by kids, they never forget.

Dannye you are right to trust your dogs instincts they can see beneath the surface of a person and have a six sense we know nothing about. I trust my dogs always.

I would council anyone that has a pet thats skitish around children to put them in a quiet place when the kids are around. No one wants an accident and a skitish/frightened/jealous pet no matter what name you put to it can be dangerous.

My Aunt had a Afghan named Reggio that was raised from an 8 week old puppy with her 3 children and my cousin Kathleen babysit them for many years. One night at a birthday party we were attending for her youngest son, the dog was walking around visiting everyone and Kathy came in. She had been horseback riding. She reached down to pet the dog and he lunged at her and got her by the collar and shoulder, she had 17 stitches. No one expected this and my poor aunt was devistated about her dog and her niece. No one blamed my aunt but she had the dog destroyed.
The dog should not have been there in the first place, too many people, too small a space and sooooo noisy.