Ok, here it goes.
In May I accidentally discovered that my husband had been viewing pictures of naked women and some other porn sites on his computer-for quite some time, in my estimation. [ I had wondered why he had disabled the HISTORY function on his computer] I asked him about the porn, he admitted to it, but swore that he was not chatting/or in contact with anyone online. He said it was like viewing a Playboy magazine. I told him it bothered me. He knew I was upset. It is not like a magazine in my opinion.

I should explain that my husband and I are both in our early 50's. His work hours have recently increased to 10-12 hour days. So his time at home is limited. We are also finally at home alone withouth kids for the first time in 25 years. So, the 2 plus hours he spends on the computer in the evenings (in a different room - far from where I am) is definitely noticeable.

Well, in August he was careless again and left a few of the pictures on his browser and I found them one morning when I needed to get online (my computer was not working and he knew that).
I told him that his porn/nude viewing made me feel unattractive to him. He didn't say much, just that he was not dead and it is like looking at an attractive girl walking by in a bikini. I pointed out that the worst part of all of it is that when he does have a few hours at home, he prefers to be on the computer viewing these pictures/web pages and not spending time with me/ as a couple.
I know men are totally visual, but , I still feel cheated on. I wonder if he needs these perfect bodies to stimulate him sexually. He wouldn't answer me.
I don't want to come across like a parent to him, and I told him that. I said I can't control him, only myself ,and I didn't know what I might need to do to feel attractive again. (Kind of a threat I know- very open ended,however).

Well, now I find that when he comes home late (after I am in bed) he turns on the cable channels that have the late night- soft porn shows. (He no longers seems to be viewing the porn on the internet).
Help me. Am I being overly sensitive to this need he seems to have? OR is it really a form of cheating??
We have watched a few MATURE movies together in the past. And I suggested that - but he did not seem at all interested in sharing the activity any longer.
Any thoughts or has anyone had first hand (no pun intended) experience with this in a relationship?