I was also very upset when I discovered my husband was looking at porn on my laptop. I kind of got suspicious when he put a password on his
account (he's not very computer savvy). I found out one day when I was doing a virus scan and there were certain words showing up on the files being scanned. They were all temporary internet folders under his account name. He denied and denied it and I knew he was lying. He finally fessed up. I was more upset that he lied so vehemently and got mad at me for not believing him! And he wonders why I am still convinced that he cheated on me in the past...How do you believe someone who lies so much?
My biggest problem with the porn is that I try so hard to keep our marriage holy. I gave up
contracepting years ago because I came to believe that it was leaving God out of a very important part of our relationship. It separates the sexual act with procreation, which is basically what porn does.