Ladies, to best understand this whole proliferation of what we call porn, we have to look at what's happened in our society, over the last twenty, twenty-five years, as to sex in general. For at least that many years, there's been a gradual shift in how society views sex.

No longer is sex seen expressly as a part of a loving, committed relationship. It has been divorced from this ideal, for quite some time. Sex has been set aside, placed in a separate category. For many, it is now viewed as merely a casual, recreational sport, completely separated from any emotional attachments whatsoever, and totally devoid of any committment. Even the ever-present threat of HIV hasn't stemmed this tide. I would be willing to bet, that at least one person on this board, has heard of someone making the statement, 'It's no big's just sex'.

There is today, a cavalier attitude toward an activity that once stood paramount as the supreme form of intimacy. Talk to a few people in their twenties, thirties, today, and see what their views are, concerning sex. You may have to go outside your sphere of personal acquaintances, to garner true responses. We generally associate with people who share our own views, our own set of values, and may need to ask outside our limited experience, to gain a more objective view.

This casul attitude concerning sex has firmly taken root in societal thinking. With the advent of the internet, this rationale has achieved furtherance, in that sexually explicit sites may be as easily accessed as any others. A veritable smorgasbord of titilating 'sex is just for fun' venues. For some, this has been just too much of a temptation to live out fantasies they otherwise may have not considered, with complete strangers. Indulging in cyber sex may become more satisfying for a person, than sharing real physical intimacy with their life partners. Considering the major sex organ of the human being is really the brain, it's possible the real partner does in no way live up to what the cyber-lover is, for the porn-viewing partner.

As well, porn sites, sex chat rooms, etcetera, have served as what some prefer thinking of as 'safe-sex', harmless pastimes. These allow a person to anonymously enjoy the 'sex-recreation' without the threat of disease, and offers a way of effectively being able to revel in the sport of sex, while at the same time, distancing one's self from any real feelings of irresponsibility of action. 'It is not real, therefore, it can't be of any consequence. It is harmless'.

And let's face it, once this attitude was in place, it wasn't long before seamier, darker, nastier, if you will, sites began proliferating at a rapid pace. More deviant, more salacious, more 'taboo sex' has come full to the forefront of the porn world. Not surprising, really. A person wallowing in the sport of sex, a frequent viewer of, or participant in, cyber sex, or avid fan of what we call porn, can become in need of much more stimulation, to be able to satisfy urges. Much as a drug addict finds he needs larger and larger doses of his preferred drug, to achieve the longed-for high.