No I didn't mean to say that it was just for procreation and that every act should end in a pregnancy. Or that once you are past child bearing years, you shouldn't have sex. Forgive my vagueness.
I meant that God created this as the only way to get pregnant( not talking science here, I know about in vitro, etc.). I also happen to believe that every act should be open to new life, but that is my religious belief and am not condemning anyone who believes otherwise.
I just meant when you separate the act from its intended purpose, like porn as entertainment, you pervert God's design. The design was to make sex the way we bring new humans into the world, in a loving, committed relationship (marriage). He also made it feel good so people would do it and life would go on.
So, no, I did not mean to imply anyone was sinning here. Sorry if it sounded like that.