True, it is a sin against your own body, and I don't condone porn at all. All I am saying is that we do so many things that are a sin against our own bodies and eating until we look like the Goodyear blimp is also a sin against our own bodies. Clogging our arteries though we know what does it yet we do it anyway.
Smoking cigarettes that shorten our lives and we know they are shortening our lives is a sin against our own bodies.
According to the Bible, the woman isn't to refuse her husband sex anytime he wants it BUT the man is supposed to love his own wife as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. If you love someone more than your own life, you wouldn't demand unreasonable things from it.
Filling your mind with cheesy soap operas day after day after day is a sin against your body also.
So where do you draw the line?